Paedophilia, Adults Acting Like Children, ‘Praying’

This is a big blog post of random things I’ve been thinking about for months, because it seems dicky to make three separate blog posts in the same day.

I’ll start of with the use of the word ‘praying’, because that’s my oldest thought.
I don’t like it when people, religious or otherwise, use the word ‘praying’ as if its the same as ‘wishing’ or ‘hoping’.
It’s especially annoying when religious people do it, because I don’t know whether they mean it as wishing/hoping or in the religious sense.
I’ve seen a Christian girl on Facebook say someting like “I’m praying I get this job”, and I think she may have even asked people to pray for her – to me, that seems selfish, and shallow, and like a… I don’t know, an abuse of God.
You should get a job on your own merit, NOT because you asked a divine power.
It reminds me of in Glee when Finn was praying to his Grilled Cheesus to let him touch Rachel’s boob!


Another thing thats been bugging me lately, is adults acting like children.
I don’t mean those that are young at heart, because I don’t believe in age limits; when I’m an adult I’ll still watch cartoons and cry at Disney movies.
I mean the kind of adults I’ve encountered on Facebook, that behave like ‘children’ in a very negative sense of the word, the way they themselves would describe kids, but are still ageist and demand respect from those younger than them when they show none in return.

They are ignorant, uneducated, they are crass and abusive – these are things a lot of people may expect from someone my age.
They cuss out and even threaten teenagers, all the while saying things like “your just a kid, get a life”… hello, you are the grown adult on Facebook verbally abusing ‘kids’ – maybe you need to get a life.
And often the teens they get into arguments with, conduct themselves with ten times the maturity, and never resort to swear words, while all the ‘grown-ups’ can say is ‘douche bag’ and ‘fuck off’.
I pointed out that they were upsetting their own family (cus this was on their nieces wall) and that it was shameful, and they told their niece to tell me to ‘fuck off or else’ – that is a threat, albeit an empty one.

You know what this teaches me? Not to respect my elders.
And is someone my elder when two years ago they were a teenager just like me? I don’t think so.
Just because they’ve lived for longer than me, that doesn’t mean they are more mature, or smarter, than I am.
Older people lament the loss of this way of thinking, but it just does not apply to life any more…
Elders used to be respected because towns were much smaller, and the oldest villagers had lived there all their lives, and so would’ve been very knowledgeable, right?
And if people in this day and age no longer blindly give their trust and respect to ‘elders’, maybe that’s a good thing (but you should respect people in general, and they should respect you in return)

Adults are supposed to protect children, not threaten them, not corrupt them.


And this leads me to another subject I’ve been thinking about – paedophilia.
Most people have heard about that ‘Pedophiles Guide’ that was on Amazon dot com.
The author (Philip R. Greaves II) of that book said ‘some children even enjoy these encounters’…
Okay, I’d like to put a huge emphasis on the word some
But I have heard of victims of paedophilia that say they were not abused, but were loved.
(That kinda reminds me of Stockholm Syndrome, but anyway)
It is still abuse.
The reason why it is abuse, is because they are children.

Even if they did make the decision to have sexual relations with an adult, they could not fully understand the consequences of their decision.
I mean, human’s bodies and brains have so much development to go through, that lasts for a very long time, and children do not have fully developed decision making skills – not just because they don’t have the same level of experiences and knowledge as an adult, but because that part of their brain is still growing.
I’m a child myself still, so I am not being ageist or discriminatory, I’m pretty damn sure that is fact, and I’m just accepting it.

The author of the book also complained about how paedophiles are portrayed in the media, movies and tv shows.
He said they were always kidnappers, rapists and murderers.
For starters, they are rapists – ‘statutory rape’ is sex with a minor.
And I have also seen them portrayed as people that ‘groom’ children, gain the trust of the children (and the parents)… how do the children know whats going on isn’t right? how can they tell their parents? this person is like a family friend or even a family member.
And I think that is the kind of paedophile that author and that book represents, and it’s no less wrong and no less horrifying than any other kind – in fact, I think it may be worse.


If I were a good blogger I guess I’d have references and links and pictures for everything I’ve said, but I’m not, because I’m not a journalist, and I’m not here to enlighten people, I’m just here to rant about what I think.

Video Girl Barbie – Paedophiles Ruin Everything!

Video Girl Barbie… to my inner child, this is a brilliant idea.
To my paedophile wary self, this is sick and wrong.

She looks kinda ghetto…

Video Girl Barbie, is a Barbie doll (aimed at girls 6+), with a video camera disguised as a a big blingy necklace, and a screen in her back so you can watch what your recording, pause, play, etc.
You can see through Barbie’s eyes (well, neck, but close enough), and for a little girl it’s probably so much fun, playing Barbie in first person, everything in Barbie-vision! Seeing things in Barbie scale, instead of being a giant!
Then, to teach tech skills and get kids involved with the Internet, you can plug it in to your computer via USB (located a tad above Barbie’s derrière), edit it using Video Girl Barbie software from the Barbie website, and then upload it to the Internet.

Sounds fun, right? If I were young enough to play with Barbies (I really wish I were, but it’s just not engaging anymore), I would be so excited! I loved editing videos, going on the Barbie website, etc (err, sometimes still do ^^;)

Parents spend so much of their time trying to PROTECT their children from the Internet… giving them toys that film them and let them upload it online is not… it’s just… no.
I mean, after the parents have supervised the kids using it a few times, the kids would know how to do it themselves.

Her thigh-batteries last for 30 minutes, and are rechargeable (you would hope… how would you get those things replaced?)

Now, to the really creepy stuff.
On the Barbie website, in big capital letters, ‘VIDEO GIRL BARBIE HAS A HIDDEN CAMERA!’.
It really is hidden – put her in a jacket without a big hole in the back, and you cannot tell… there is no blinking light or anything to indicate it is recording.
In a press release, it says, “Unsuspecting subjects won’t know Barbie is watching their every move”.

This could seriously be a paedophile tool… hopefully no pervs are reading this because I don’t want to give them ideas.
But, someone babysits your kids, gets them this toy, is all like “hey kids, put on a fashion show for Barbie!”.
I just can’t believe that Mattel didn’t think this through.
Do not buy this for your small children, on top of the intense creepiness, it encourages them to turn into those MySpace camera whores even younger.


I had fun with the pictures, can you tell? =3